Getting Started: Notion Hugo Exporter

Use “Notion” as a Headless CMS to generate a content file for Hugo.

Notice: You are in development mode or could not get the remote server

Use “Notion” as a Headless CMS to generate a content file for Hugo.

This software is dedicated to generating Markdown content for Hugo. After generating the content, follow the Hugo specifications.


  • Get pages in any Notion database and convert them to Markdown
  • Having a cache to reduce requests to the Notion API
  • Stop the content generation process when you find an Amazon S3 image (Alternatively can be disable)
  • Download Amazon S3 images when detected (Optional)
  • Images downloaded from Amazon S3 can be automatically converted to WebP format (Optional)
  • Automatically convert strings set in Url and Slug with kebab-case
  • Implemented a callback that allows you to add arbitrary processing after downloading an image (See configuration for details)
  • See also other configuration available


This library only requires Notion’s Read permission.

None of your Notion Content will be modified.


1. Setup configuration.


Then, prepare the proparty in Notion database. (See the section below for details)

2. Execute command with docker

docker run -it --rm \
  -v $(pwd)/notion-hugo.config.js:/work/notion-hugo.config.js \
  -v $(pwd)/content/:/work/content/ \
  -v $(pwd)/static/:/work/static/ \
  -v $(pwd)/.notion-hugo-cache/:/work/.notion-hugo-cache/ \

Mount four files or directories.

  • notion-hugo.config.js: configuration file.
  • content/: The directory where Hugo will place the content (Markdown) it loads.
  • static/: The directory where the downloaded image is placed (correctly, it is set in the config).
  • .notion-hugo-cache/: The database that caches the state of articles and images downloaded from Notion.

Available Configuration Parameters

Below is the parameters that can be set configuration in notion-hugo.config.js

module.exports = {
  directory: string,
  concurrency: number,
  authorName: string,
  s3ImageUrlWarningEnabled: boolean,
  s3ImageUrlReplaceEnabled: boolean,
  s3ImageConvertToWebpEnalbed: boolean,
  useOriginalConverter: boolean,
  saveAwsImageDirectory: null | string,
  downloadImageCallback: null | func(),
  customTransformerCallback: null | func(),
  • directory: (Required) Directory for exporting pages. A directory is created for each section, but it is basically flat.
  • concurrency: Defaults to 5.
  • authorName: You can uniformly set the author of the article.
  • s3ImageUrlWarningEnabled: Defaults to true. If the generated Markdown file contains an Amazon S3 URL, this tool will throw an error and terminate execution, but you can disable this behavior. It is highly recommended to enable it to avoid accidentally exposing your S3 URL. It should only be used for debugging.
  • s3ImageUrlReplaceEnabled (Experimental): Defaults to false. If your Notion content contains S3 URLs, replace them with local paths after downloading. This function attempts to reduce the time and effort required for image management.
  • s3ImageConvertToWebpEnalbed: Defaults to false. Converts downloaded images to Webp format.
  • useOriginalConverter: Defaults to false. See the Adjust blank lines in paragraphs section for details.
  • utcOffset: Defaults to null as “Z”. If you don’t set the content publish time, it will be exported as 12:00 AM, but you can specify the time zone offset that will be used at that time (e.g. “+09:00").
  • saveAwsImageDirectory: Defaults to null. Images uploaded to Notion’s pages are stored on Amazon S3, but the public URL has an 3600s limit. This is incompatible with generators that generate static HTML like Hugo. Therefore, you should upload it to some external storage and then embed the URL in the Notion’s page. Enabling this option will make your work a little eaiser as the software will download the images.
  • downloadImageCallback: Defaults to null. If you want to use the downloaded image for addition processing, you can implement a callback. For example, an example implementation for uploading an image to WordPress (using REST API) can be found in notion-hugo.config.02callback-sample.js
  • fetchInterval: Only available in server mode. See “Watch mode (Server mode)” for more information. Defaults to 30.
  • customTransformerCallback: See also

Local build

Currently, this software is not published to the NPM registry. You need local build.

Step 1. Prepare the command

Set up a link to your local environment.

git clone ...
npm install
npm link

Step 2. Set environment

Set two environment variables to access the Notion.

# Notion tokens can be read-only role

Step 3. Configuration

Create a config file.

cp notion-hugo.config.01sample.js notion-hugo.config.js

# Or if you need a custom process after downloading the image
cp notion-hugo.config.02callback-sample.js notion-hugo.config.js

Step 4. Prepare the proparty in Notion database

Notion database property keys must be:

Property Name Type Required Default value
isPublished Boolean
Category Select
Tags multi_select
PublishedAt date
UpdatedAt date
Url Text ✅ (Either Url or Slug)
Slug Text ✅ (Either Url or Slug)
LegacyAlert Boolean (Removed mandatory constraint from v0.5)
Description Text
Image Image (external url)
ToC Boolean (Removed mandatory constraint from v0.5)
Section Select
Author Text or Select “Writer”
isDraft Boolean false
filepath Text
  • Currently, these keys must be set manually.
  • filepath property: Normally, the filename is automatically generated from Section and PageID (generated by Notion), but it can be overriden by specifying the absolute path.

Optional Properties.

Property Name Type
linkTitle Text
weight Number

These properties will be used in Docsy theme.

Custom (User defined) Properties.

You can set any number of options that will be exported to Frontmatter.

// array[0]: property name in Notion
// array[1]: Types identified when exporting to Frontmatter (Markdown)
customProperties: [
  ["ToC", "boolean"],
  ["AdditionalDescription", "text"],

In the above example:

  • A checkbox property set with the name ‘ToC’ in Notion recognizes it as a Boolean
  • A text propety set with the name ‘AdditionalDescription’ in Notion recognizes it as a Text (Stgin)

Currently, type (array[1]) can be set to two types: boolean or text

Step 5. Run

Finally, exec command.

$ notion-hugo


$ notion-hugo --force

This CLI is developed on Node v18.12.x

(Presumably earlier versions will also work)

Example for exported contnet


  pageId: "01234567-0123-4567-8901-dummy1dummy2"
  createdTime: "2022-02-01T15:54:00.000Z"
  lastEditedTime: "2022-02-01T15:56:00.000Z"
title: "Example page"
date: "2022-02-01T00:00:00.000+09:00"
description: "Description here"
  - "API"
  - "Development"
  - "Notion"
toc: true
author: "Writer"
legacy_alert: false
draft: false
url: "/hugo-notion-example-page"
section: "technologies"
# Hugo Notion

hello, world


The Markdown body generated by thid program is heavily dependent on the “notion-to-md” library.

souvikinator/notion-to-md: Convert notion pages, block and list of blocks to markdown (supports nesting)


Cache the last modified date of a Notion’s page with Notion’s pageId as the primary key.

To minimize the number of request to the Notion API, we cache the date and time of the retrieved pages. Delete the .notion-hugo-cache/ directory if you want to initialize it.

Customize according to the property type

You can define your own custom transformer for a notion type.

CustomTransformer is a feature provided by the notion-to-md library. Seed the  official document for more details.

It can be optionally implemented in the notion-hugo.config.js file as shown bellow.

const customTransformerCallback = (n2m) => {
  n2m.setCustomTransformer("bookmark", async (block) => {
    const { bookmark } = block;
    if (!bookmark?.url) return "";
    return `\{\{<blogcard "${bookmark.url}">\}\}`;

Original output:


After transform output:

{{<blogcard "">}}

Useful when converting to Hugo’s shortcode.

Adjust blank lines in paragraphs

Due to the specification change in  notion-to-md version 2.5.1, multiple line breaks have been inserted in paragraphs. It’s a matter of taste, but we have customized it to handle the number of line breaks in paragraphs according to the conventional specifications. Future updates to the library may make this feature obsolete.

If you want to use the original library specification, you can change the behavior by setting the setting to true.

  • useOriginalConverter: true

See the image bellow for an example.

Page content in Notion:

Output results when the setting is enabled (right side) and disabled (left side):

Watch mode (Server mode)

Exporting Notion pages can be time consuming, so running command one by one can be tedious. You can use the --server option to enter watch mode.

In this mode, Notion updates are checked periodically and a page is generated. By using it together with Hugo’s hugo server, you can use it like a real-time preview.

It’s even more useful for process managers such as Foreman and Hivemind. The following is a example of how to configure Procfile.

notion: notion-hugo -S
hugo: hugo server --ignoreCache --buildFuture

In watch mode, the S3 image download function does not work. This is because many changes are assumed during the editing process.